
Each of your expereinces in life leave an imprint which is stored in your body. My work with energy and somatic techniques help you remove the imprints that no longer serve you and keep you trapped in a cycle of difficult emotions.

I will help you connect to the origin of difficult emotions through the physical sensations in your body. We will address current situations to clear unuseful sensory memories connected to your trauma.

The goal of your session is to use your body's innate ability to integrate trauma and remove the dysregulated responses and unwanted behaviors that aren’t serving you. 

This allows YOU to be in charge of your life, not your past. 

I work primarily with women and children.

LGBTQIA+ and all races and ethnicities are welcome and safe here.  

Certified Integrative Wellness Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner, Emotional Health Institute (EHI)

Hi, I’m Jamie.

I value equality, compassion, and kindness.

I live in Portland, Oregon. You can find me reading, outside, traveling, walking my dog, or driving my teenagers around town. 

I love novel experiences and choose to live in the PNW for its stay weird vibes and endless outdoor opportunities. 

How has Emotional Resolution impacted my life?

Emotional Resolution changed my life immediately.

I had developed a debilitating fear of driving in the rain. I was moving to the PNW and knew I would need to drive in the rain. Within 3 sessions, I was driving in the rain as if I had never had any fear at all. I was shocked and thrilled. Years later, I’m still not afraid to drive in the rain!

The first time I used EmRes…

Tell me more…

The most helpful way that I have used EmRes is when I am triggered by my child. Sometimes there are arguments, eye roles, meltdowns, hurtful words, or actions. I use EmRes to resolve my difficult emotions. 

This is life-changing because it allows me to take care of my needs immediately. I can clear the sensory imprint connected to trauma from my past which will resolve that particular trigger. This helps me heal and restore my calm. Then, if I was hurtful, I now have space to repair the connection with my daughter.

By resolving my trigger, I often find the challenging behavior my daughter was experiencing stops happening altogether.

  • Improve compulsive eating

  • Eliminate nervousness before a big interview

  • Resolve tensions that have built up in relationships.

  • relieve anxiety and in some cases resolve it completely.

  • I could go on and on! 

I’ve used EmRes to…

I would love to help you shift what’s not serving you today!  
